Celebrating 20 Years of Innovation and Knowledge


Hurray! PCGBooks is 20

Two decades ago, we set out with a vision to empower minds through the power of technology and knowledge. Today, as we celebrate our 20th anniversary, we’re grateful to our incredible authors, dedicated team, and loyal readers who have been with us every step of the way.

From best-selling computer books guides to cutting-edge tech manuals, we’ve grown and evolved with the industry, always striving to bring the latest and greatest to our readers.

To all our esteemed customers, distributors, staff, and regional managers thank you for making us a trusted name in your computer books. Cheers to 20 years of learning, growing, and doing business together.

Stay tuned for exciting giveaways, special offers, and a trip down memory lane as we celebrate this milestone. Let’s continue building a future full of innovation and consolidate on the progress made yesterday.


#PCGBooks@20 #20YearsOfInnovation #TheComputerTeacher

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